format-version: 1.2 remark: OBO Format metamodel. This meta-ontology is self-describing. OBO metamodel properties are described using OBO metamodel properties idspace: oboInOwl "" idspace: rdfs "" idspace: skos "" idspace: _base "" default-namespace: oboInOwl [Term] id: oboInOwl:DbXref name: database_cross_reference xref: xref: [Term] id: oboInOwl:Definition name: definition def: "The textual definition of the current term. There must be zero or one instances of this tag per term description" [oboInOwl:cjm] xref: comment: we are forced to use the n-ary relation pattern in OWL1.0. For OWL2 we may make this a direct axiom between a class and the string [Term] id: oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass name: obsolete_class def: "pseudo-class. in the oboInOwl translation, all obsolete classes are subclasses of this class. Note that this is not a metaclass" [oboInOwl:cjm] [Term] id: oboInOwl:Subset xref: oboFormat:subsetdef name: subset synonym: "view" RELATED [] synonym: "partition" RELATED [] synonym: "slim" NARROW [] synonym: "GO-slim" NARROW [] def: "A grouping of terms from an ontology or ontologies. Note that this is not a metaclass - classes are linked to subsets via oboInOwl:inSubset" [oboInOwl:cjm] [Term] id: oboInOwl:Synonym name: synonym def: "An instance of synonym usage. synonym instances are linked to classes via oboInOwl:has*Synonym properties" [oboInOwl:cjm] comment: we are forced to use the n-ary relation pattern in OWL1.0. For OWL2 we may make this a direct axiom between a class and the string [Term] id: oboInOwl:SynonymType name: synonym_type [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:ObsoleteProperty name: obsolete_property def: "pseudo-property. in the oboInOwl translation, all obsolete relations are subProperties of this class" [oboInOwl:cjm] comment: Note that this is not a metaclass [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:autoGeneratedBy xref: oboFormat:auto_generated_by name: auto_generated_by is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:consider name: consider xref: oboFormat:consider def: "Gives a term which may be an appropriate substitute for an obsolete term, but needs to be looked at carefully by a human expert before the replacement is done" [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasAlternativeId name: has_alternative_id xref: oboFormat:alt_id def: "An alternative identifier for this class; should follow ID syntax. These can result from class merges" [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym xref: oboFormat:broad_synonym name: has_broad_synonym def: "An alias in which the alias is broader than the primary class name. Example: cell division is a broad synonym of cytokinesis" [oboInOwl:GOC] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasDate xref: oboFormat:date name: has_date is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasDbXref xref: oboFormat:xref name: has_dbxref is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasDefaultNamespace xref: oboFormat:default-namespace name: has_default_namespace is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasDefinition xref: oboFormat:def name: has_definition def: "a relation between a class and an instance of a oboInOwl:Definition" [oboInOwl:cjm] comment: we are forced to use the n-ary relation pattern in OWL1.0. For OWL2 we may make this a direct axiom between a class and the string is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym xref: oboFormat:exact_synonym name: has_exact_synonym def: "An alias in which the alias exhibits true synonymy. Example: ornithine cycle is an exact synonym of urea cycle" [oboInOwl:GOC] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym xref: oboFormat:narrow_synonym name: has_narrow_synonym def: "An alias in which the alias is narrower than the primary class name. Example: pyrimidine-dimer repair by photolyase is a narrow synonym of photoreactive repair" [oboInOwl:GOC] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasOBONamespace xref: oboFormat:namespace def: "A relation between a class and an OBO namespace string. OBO namespaces are to be distinguished from IDspaces; for example, biological_process is a namespace, GO is an idspace." [oboInOwl:GOC] name: has_obo_namespace is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasSynonym xref: oboFormat:synonym name: has_synonym def: "A relation between a class and an alias term." [oboInOwl:GOC] comment: Note that this should be a super-property of hasRelatedSynonym, hasExactSynonym etc; however, we cannot state this and remain in OWL-DL is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym xref: oboFormat:related_synonym name: has_related_synonym def: "An alias in which the alias is related the primary class name, but not necessarily broader or narrower. Example: cytochrome bc1 complex is a related synonym of ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase activity; virulence is a related synonym of pathogenesis" [oboInOwl:GOC] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasSubset name: has_subset def: "relation between an ontology and a oboInOwl:Subset, indicating classes in the ontology belong to the subset" [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasSynonymType name: has_synonym_type is_metadata_tag: true xref: [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasURI name: has_URI is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:hasVersion xref: oboFormat:version name: has_version is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:inSubset name: in_subset xref: oboFormat:subset def: "relation between a class and a oboInOwl:Subset, indicating the class belongs (is a member of) the subset" [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:replacedBy xref: oboFormat:replaced_by name: replaced_by def: "Gives a term which replaces an obsolete term. The value is the id of the replacement term. The value of this tag can safely be used to automatically reassign links to an obsolete term. The replaced_by tag may only be specified for obsolete terms. A single obsolete term may have more than one replaced_by tag. This tag can be used in conjunction with the consider tag." [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:savedBy xref: oboFormat:saved_by name: saved_by is_metadata_tag: true [Typedef] id: oboInOwl:isCyclic xref: oboFormat:is_cyclic name: is_cyclic def: "A relation R is cyclic if the following holds for some X, Y: X R Y, Y R X, X != Y" [oboInOwl:cjm] is_metadata_tag: true